BizTimes recognizes leaders at HERA institutions

Recently, BizTimes released its list of notable leaders in higher education for the Milwaukee Region, highlighting people who demonstrate the quality of higher education leadership in the region and their dedication to developing the next generation of talent.

Congratulations to all HERA institution leaders who were recognized in 2025, including:

  • Kimo Ah Yun, president, Marquette University 
  • Keri Alioto, vice president for student affairs, Mount Mary University
  • Richard Barnhouse, president and CEO, Waukesha County Technical College
  • Christy Brown, president, Alverno College
  • Kristen Carioti, dean of the School of Arts & Sciences, Mount Mary University
  • Anthony Cruz, president, Milwaukee Area Technical College
  • Glenn Hayes, professor of music and director of bands, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
  • Kari Inda, professor and chair of the occupational therapy department, Mount Mary University
  • Katie Kuznacic, vice chancellor for university relations and foundation president, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
  • Alberto Maldonado, special assistant to the vice chancellor for community empowerment and institutional inclusivity, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Read the full story and learn more about these leaders here:
Notable Leaders in Higher Education – BizTimes – Milwaukee Business News

They join honorees from previous years, including:

  • Cheryl Bailey, dean of the school of natural and health sciences and education, Mount Mary University 
  • John Benson, Mentor Initiative founder and program director, Concordia University
  • Laura Bray, vice president of college advancement and external communications, Milwaukee Area Technical College
  • Kaushal Chari, dean, Lubar College of Business at UW-Milwaukee
  • Maggie Cinto, associate director of administration, curriculum and evaluation for the Educational Opportunity Program, Marquette University
  • Jodi Eastberg, acting vice president of academic affairs and dean of the School of Professional and Graduate Studies, Alverno College
  • Matthew Friedel, director of the Business Innovation Incubator, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Karen Friedlen, vice president of academic affairs, Mount Mary University
  • Abigail Hanna, vice president of administrative planning and innovation and chief organizational development officer, Carthage College 
  • Jeanne Hossenlopp, vice president for research and innovation, Marquette University
  • Sadique Isahaku, dean of the General Education Academic & Career Pathway program, Milwaukee Area Technical College
  • Joseph Kearney, dean, Marquette University Law School
  • Phyllis King, associate vice chancellor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (And we congratulate Phyllis on recently being named chief strategist for artificial intelligence advancement at WCTC.)
  • Jon Koch, Dean of the School of Business, Waukesha County Technical College
  • Kathy Kramer, faculty member in the education department, Carroll University (Kathy is now dean of the School of Education and Human Services at Carroll.)
  • Jarvis Racine, vice president of strategic partnerships, workforce development and government affairs, Herzing University
  • Margaret Rauschenberger, associate dean of the School of Adult Learning and New Initiatives, Alverno College
  • Bob Schwartz, dean of the School of Arts and Design and School of Business, Mount Mary University
  • John Swallow, president, Carthage College 
  • Matthew Vick, dean of graduate studies and continuing education, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
  • John Walz, president, Milwaukee School of Engineering